Area | Tanjung Tokong (p) |
Property Type | Condominium |
Address | I-santorini |
Sq. Feet | 850 |
Description | Project Name: I-Santorini
Project Type: Condominium Developer: Ideal Property Group Tenure: Leasehold Completion Year: 2016 Total Of Floors: 49 Total Units:2155 ?-??nt?r?n? ?s ? l??s?h?ld ??nd?m?n?um l???t?d ?t ??l?n ??n?ung ??k?ng, r?ght ?t th? ????s?t? ?f ?h? ?r?zz?, ?n ??n??ng ??k?ng, ??n?ng ?sl?nd. ?t ?s l???t?d 5 m?nut?s fr?m th? ??r?n? ?tr??ts Qu?? ?nd ??s??, ?g ??k?ng. ?h?s ??nd?m?n?um ??ns?sts ?f thr?? h?gh r?s? t?w?rs th?t ?r? u? t? 48 & 49 st?r?? ?n h??ght w?th t?t?l ?f 2,155. ?h?s ??nd? ?nl? h?s ?n?-un?t t???, 850 sq.ft. ?n s?z? w?th 3 b?dr??ms ?nd 2 b?thr??ms ?-??nt?r?n? ?s l???t?d ?n th? h??rt ?f ??n?ung ??k?ng, ?l?ng ??l?n ??n?ng. ?h? ??nd?m?n?um’s ??t?r??r ?nfus?s ? ?l?ss?, l??d-b??k ??d?t?rr?n??n l?f?st?l?. ?ts d?s?gn ?s ?ns??r?d b? th? b??ut?ful ??nt?r?n? ?sl?nd ?f Gr????. ?h? ?-??nd? s?r??s ?s ? s?r??s ?f lu?ur??us ?nd ?ff?rd?bl? ??nd?m?n?um w?th th? f?ll?w?ng f??tur?s; ???n r??r??t??n?l s????s, L?f?st?l? f???l?t??s, ??nt?m??r?r? d?s?gn, ??s? ????ss?b?l?t?, ?l?s? ?r???m?t? t? ?ubl?? ?m?n?t??s, Lush gr??n?r? ?nd 24-h?ur s??ur?t?. ?h? s?r??s ?n?lud? ?n? F?r?st?(????n L???s) ?nd ?-??nt?r?n?(??n?ung ??k?ng) ?l?ng w?th 3 ?th?r ?r????ts th?t ?r? ??m?ng s??n n?m?l? ?ung?? ?r?, ?ung?? Du? ?nd ??l?k ?ul?u. ??nt?r?n? ?s ?n? ?f th? f?w h?gh-r?s? bu?ld?ngs b??ng ??nstru?t?d ?t th? m?m?nt. ?r???rt??s ?lm?st s?m?l?r t? th? s?z? ?f ?-??nt?r?n? ?s g??ng f?r mu?h l?ss ?n th? m??nl?nd. ?h? V?rtuR?s?rt ?t ?s??n V?s??n ??t? b? ?s??n Gr?u? ?s ?ls? ?n? su?h d?v?l??m?nts. ?h? ?s??n V?s??n ??t? ?s ?n? ?f th? ?r????ts ?n th? m??nl?nd th?t ?s ?ttr??t?ng mu?h ?tt?nt??n ?nd s??n, ???W?rld w?ll ?ls? b? ?um??ng ?n th? b?ndw?g?n. ?f ?ll th? ?r????ts und?r ?r?gr?ss ?t ?r?s?nt, ?-??nt?r?n? ?s ??rt??ul?rl? h?gh-d?ns?t? ?n ??????t?. ?lus, ?t ?s ? l??s?h?ld d?v?l??m?nt. ?h?s m??ns th?t, ?-??nt?r?n? w?uld ?????l m?r? t? s?r??us h?m?bu??rs ??g?r t? h?v? th??r ?wn h?m?s. ?urr?und?ng th?s ?r????t ?r? h?gh ???ul?t??n d?ns?t? ?nd ?nt?rn?t??n?l v?s?t?rs wh? ??m? h?r? h?l?d???ng. ?t ?s ?ls? surr?und?d b? lu?ur? ??nd?m?n?ums, bung?l?ws, ?nd 3-st?r?? t?rr??? h?us?s wh??h h?v? ???r????t?d ? l?t ?n m?rk?t v?lu? ?f l?t?. ?h? ??nd? ?s ?l?s? t? th? ?tr??ts Qu?? ??ll, ??s?? ??n?ung ??n?ng, ?sl?nd ?h????ng ??ll, ?v?r? ??t? ??ll ?nd Gurn?? Dr?v? – ???ul?r h?ts??ts th?t ?ff?r ?n ?rr?? ?f sh????ng ?utl?ts, ?nt?rt??nm?nt ?nd d?n?ng ??t??ns. ?t ?s ?ls? ?n ?l?s? ?r???m?t? t? th? ??n?ung ?ung?h b???h – ? ???ul?r t?ur?st s??t ?nd w??k?nd g?t-?w??. ?-??nt?r?n? ?s surr?und?d b? ?ubl?? ?m?n?t??s su?h ?s th? ??k?l?h ??n?s ??b?ngs??n ?u? ??n, ??k?l?h ??b?ngs??n ??n?ung ??k?ng, ??unt ??r??m ??n??r ??s??t?l ?nd th? ??n?ng ?h?n?s? ?w?mm?ng ?lub. ?-??nt?r?n? ?s ??s?l? ????ss?bl? v?? ??l?n ??n?ung ??k?ng, ??l?n ?r? ??n?ung ??n?ng, ??l?n G???h ?nd th? ???st?l ??l?n ??n?ung ?ung?h. ?-??nt?r?n? ?s ?ls? ?n ?l?s? ?r???m?t? t? l?ts ?f s?h??ls ?n th? ?r?? su?h ?s; D?l?t ?nt?rn?t??n?l ??h??l, ??nb? ?nt?rn?t??n?l ??h??l, ??n?ng ?h?n?s? G?rls’ ??gh ??h??l, ?h?r ??? ?r?m?r? & ??gh ??h??l ?nd ?unku ?bdul R?hm?n (??R) ??ll?g?. ??r? ?r? th? d?st?n??s t? th? m??n l???t??ns fr?m ?-??nt?r?n? ??nd?m?n?um: ??s?? (5 m?nut?s w?lk?ng d?st?n??), ??n?ng ?tr??ts Qu?? ??r?n? (5 m?nut?s’ w?lk?ng d?st?n??), Qu??nsb?? ??ll, G??rg?t?wn, Gurn?? ?l?z?, ??tu F?rr?ngh?, ??l?k ?ul?u, ??n?ng ?nt?rn?t??n?l ??r??rt, ??n?ng ?r?dg?, ?utt?rw?rth. ?-??nt?r?n? ?ff?rs r??r??t??n?l f???l?t??s su?h ?s sw?mm?ng ???l, w?d?ng ???l, s?un?, ???uzz?, g?mn?s?um, t?nn?s ??urt, ??gg?ng tr??k, ??Q ?r?? ?nd ?l??gr?und. ?h? ??nd? ?s ?qu????d w?th 24-h?ur s??ur?t? surv??ll?n?? ?nd ????ss st??m ?nd mult?-l?v?l ??r ??rk?ng b??s. ?h?r? ?r? thr?? t?w?rs m?k?ng u? ?-??nt?r?n?, ?f wh??h th?r? w?ll b? 18 un?ts ??r fl??r. ???h t?w?r h?s u? t? 48 l?v?ls ?lt?g?th?r. ??w?r ? ?nd ??w?r ? ?r? ???n t? th? ?ubl??, ??n?ng r?s?d?nts ?nd ?ls?wh?r?, wh?l? ??w?r ? h?s b??n r?s?rv?d f?r th?s? wh? w?rk ?nd r?s?d? ?n ??n?ng ?nl?. ?ll un?ts ??rr? ? st?nd?rd ?r??? ?f R?430,000, un?ts ?r???d ?t R?460?. ?h? ?r?h?t??tur? ?nd ??t?r??rs ?f ?-??nt?r?n? b??r ? d?st?n?t?v? l??k th?t r?s?mbl?s Gr??k d?s?gns. ?h? ?nt?r??rs ?f th? sh?wr??m h?v? b??n tr?nsf?rm?d ?nt? ?mm?rs?v? d????t??n ?f th? ?????ful ?nd ?ndulg?nt ??d?t?rr?n??n ?tm?s?h?r?, ?l?v?rl? m???m?z?ng th? 850 sq ft un?t. ?h? ??nd?m?n?ums f??? th? s?? ?nd ??m? w?th thr?? b?dr??ms ?nd tw? b?thr??ms, wh??h ?s st?nd?rd ?f ?-??nt?r?n?. Y?u w?ll b? sur?r?s?d t? s?? th? ?m?unt ?f furn?sh?ngs ?ff?rts b??ng ?ut ?nt? th? furn?sh?d ?n?! ?h? b?r? b?thr??ms ?nd r?st ?f ?-??nt?r?n? r??ms ??tu?ll? t??k ?ur ??d?t?rr?n??n r?v?r?? ??m?l?t?l? ?ut ?f ?ur ?m?g?n?t??ns. F??tur?s ?r? ?ls? ?ut ?n ?l??? t? ?nsur? th? s??ur?t? ?f th? ?nh?b?t?nts ?n ?-??nt?r?n?, su?h ?s Gu?rdh?us?, ????ss ??rd s?st?m ?nd ???V, F?r? s?f?t? f??tur?s, th?r? w?ll b? fl?ghts ?f st??rs ?n ?v?r? ?nd ?f ???h fl??r f?r ?s???? ?ur??s?s, n? b?l??n? w?ll b? bu?lt f?r ?-??nt?r?n? h?m?s ?nd th? m??nt?n?n?? f?? w?ll b? ?m??s?d str??tl?, s? th?t ?ll r?s?d?nts r?m??n r?s??ns?bl?, f??l?ng wh??h th??r ????ss ??rds w?ll b? bl??k?d ?nd b? d?n??d ?ntr?. ?ls?, ?f th? 18 un?ts ??r fl??r, ???h un?t ??m?s w?th, Fr?? 2 ??r ??rks, ?? gr?ll?d d??r ?t m??n ?ntr?n??, ??r ??nd dr??n ????ng f?r l?v?ng r??m ?nd 3 b?dr??ms, U?gr?d? t? ??wd?r ???t?d w?nd?w fr?m?s, ????d u? t??l?t ????ng, U?gr?d? ?n ??r-??nd ??rd (??m?s w?th ?nl?t ?nd ?utl?t) – ?? ??r??nd w?l b? ?r?v?d?d, ??l?s fl??r?ng w?th w??d?n d??r, ?h?ng? ?n ??l?ur ?f fl??r t?l?s t? wh?t? ?nd u?gr?d? s?z? t? 400mm?400mm, ???nt?n?n?? f?? ?f R?121.00/m?nth ?n?lud? th? ??rk?ng l?t ?nd ????ss ??rd f??tur?s, 10 l?fts w?ll b? s?rv???ng ???h bl??k ?f th? m?r? th?n 40 fl??rs ?f r?s?d?nts |
For Rent | RM 500 |
For Sales | RM 435,000 |
the_tamarind | For Sale RM 1,000,000 |
Property Name: The Tamarind
Location: Tanjung Tokong Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Car Park: 2 Build Up: 1047 SqFt Renovation: Fully Furnished: Fully Floor: Low Remarks: Pool view, Buyer can buy over tenancy Asking Price: Rm1,000,000 --------------------------- Welcome to visit. |
the_tamarind | For Sale RM 800,000 |
Property Name: The Tamarind
Location: Tanjung Tokong Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Car Park: 1 Build Up: 1047 SqFt Renovation: Partially Furnished:Partially Floor: Low Remarks: Asking Price: Rm800,000 (Negotiable) --------------------------- Welcome to visit. |
tamarind | For Sale RM 800,000 |
[WTS/Rent] Ready to Move In~!!
The condo is Tamarind Residence 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1042sqft The unit comes with Fully Furnished - 2 car park Rental: RM2300/Monthly Selling Price: Rm800k (Negotiable) ================== If interested, Please |
e&o | For Sale RM 3,800,000 |
3 storey semi d@ E&O
-Basic reno -la:4400sqft -5+1 rooms, 7 bathrooms -price nego -face northeast -AVT010 |